Chengdu Youngshe Chemical Co.,Ltd

Chengdu Youngshe Chemical Co.,Ltd

Main products: copper tripeptide-1,acetyl hexapeptide-8,pentapeptide,oligopeptide,intermediate

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Chengdu Youngshe Chemical Co.,Ltd
Country: China
Mobile: +86-18108235634
QQ: 3203619841
Skype: Chat Now!
Address:No.77, Tianmu Rd,New and Hi-tech Zone,Chengdu,China

Chengdu Youngshe Chemical Co., Ltd. is a dynamic and progressive cosmetic peptides supplier in China. We are dedicating to be a professional, efficient,and reliable partner for global customers on cosmetic peptides. You can select more than 170 kinds of raw cosmetic peptide ingredients here.And we are keeping developing new products and continuously marketing them for sale.Jinglin Bio provide a one-stop service for raw cosmetic peptide ingredients.You will save lots of time ,energy, money and have a very pleasant experience with us.